
Monday, November 4, 2013

Lesson Up Express: A Cornucopia of November Narratives

November Narratives
November is a short month, and one that calls for a variety of activities since it includes a highly anticipated vacation. Sometimes I feel like I have just changed the calendar to this, the 11th month, and suddenly, December is upon us. 

This 8-page FREE product offers two detailed lessons and two alternative outlined lesson ideas. Any or all will keep students engaged and motivated, giving teachers breathing room.

Lesson 1: Visualize This: Creating Word Pictures has students creating original names that reveal traits about the people, places, objects and
Visualize This- Creating Word Pictures
ideas that they select. After they finish this, they choose from seven different projects to complete. Time Frame-a few days to a month, depending on how much class time teachers give the students, and whether they will assign lighter homework loads.

A Dinner to Remember
Lesson 2: A Dinner to Remember asks students to choose a quartet of characters from stories that they have studied this school year to join together for dinner. Each guest must bring a food that is representative of some aspect of his/her story. The Host must prepare the entree and two side dishes. After they eat, each character finishes the sentence, "I am thankful for ______.  For a really enticing Presentation Day to accompany this lesson, have each student bring in one of the dishes his/her Host or Guest would bring. After students share their answers, everyone can eat. Time Frame- Students can finish this in 30-40 minutes, leaving time for class discussions.

Lesson 3: Since November is National Novel Writing Month, I offer information and links for this writing project. As most students will not be able to complete the 50,000 word challenge, I suggest alternative word amounts. You can use daily warm-ups or closure time to help students meet the writing goal that you set according to your students' skills and abilities. The link for educators presents excellent help to incorporate this into their classes. Time Frame: one month

Lesson 4: I already offer this activity in my Freebies category: Activity: In Honor of Soldiers-
Veteran's Day Activity
Every One: A Veteran's or Memorial Day Project ( I include it here to remind teachers that this is a project for May and November. Time Frame- have students choose their book to read by Veteran's Day, but give them until the week before winter break or right after the new year to complete the reading and projects.  You could integrate this reading with the December literature you will be studying if it can have a war/military theme, also. This creates comprehension connections for the students.

Every student has a story to tell. The Lesson Up Express November Narratives give students a chance to do just that. Download this FREE product from

Happy Teaching,

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